SpeedyCraft mobile ordering system
SpeedyCraft is a mobile order system that synchronizes hours, costs, checklists and materials between field workers and the office.
None of those who work outside need to show up at the office to pick up work orders. No one writes hours, materials or checklists on paper. Nobody stops by the office on the way home to deliver completed work orders, they drive straight home at the end of the working day. And last but not least; those who usually register incoming work orders spend their time on more important things. The SpeedyCraft handheld order solution revolutionizes the working day for the entire company, both inside and outside the office.
- Work and service orders
- Service objects
- Warehouse management
- Documentation
- Resource management
- Map
- Integrations
- Seamless integration with ViaTracks
Integration with ViaTrack’s driving record
Integration to orders/ERP
Saves all journeys automatically, easily accessible for user and administrator. Get kilometres, tolls, ferry costs and hours directly on order from ViaTracks electronic driving book.
SpeedyCraft is integrated with most orders and ERP systems on the market.
Default installation files
SpeedyCraft Mobile 2
SpeedyCraft Mobile 3 Android (siste versjon)
SpeedyCraft Mobile 3 Android (Google Play)
Requires that you have SpeedyCraft Live version between and on the server.

Do you want to try SpeedyCraft?
Start your working day efficiently with our mobile ordering system.